Sunday, April 18, 2021

Grieving by Style

Sometimes we wonder why people grieve in the manner they do. One simple way to describe their behavior is through the aggressive/non-aggressive/assertive triad.

Non-aggressive people know what they want but let others walk all over them as they try to achieve it. Aggressive people know what they want and walk all over others to get what they want. Assertive people know what they want and go after it with certainty and strength without offending others.

When an aggressive person experiences the death of a loved one, they may become short-tempered and demanding. They may show no consideration for the funeral home's schedule or the workers. They may even demand that another funeral be canceled so their family member can take the time slot they feel they deserve.

Non-aggressive people may have trouble deciding on an appropriate date, order of service, or the color and price of the coffin. They may want the funeral director, pastor, or a friend to make all the decisions for them. They may quickly change their loved one's time of service when another person demands they need the hour, regardless of their own family's needs.

An assertive person gathers information from the funeral director about the various costs and makes the appropriate choices. They are willing to compromise on the time of service with a reasonable person. If their family members need a specific hour, they calmly and confidently secure that time for the good of the entire family.

Knowing there are these types of people and the different ways in which they grieve, you can get along better with them during their time of grief when you learn assertion. Know who you are and identify your needs, then calmly go about achieving them. Don't argue with an aggressive person or belittle a non-aggressive one. State your needs, and re-state them, using the same words, as often as necessary to make your needs known, always with a small, genuine smile. 

To read about a family's grief when the one who dies is of a different faith, order Pray Them to Heaven from,, and other online booksellers. It is also available as an eBook. The release date is May 4 and can be pre-ordered now.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Pray Them to Heaven

Some ask, “Why does God take people so soon?” My response, “I believe He takes no one, but receives them when they arrive home.”©  In light of the pandemic, grief surrounds us. We feel helpless when a loved one dies. We think we must be in control, but we can’t stop them from dying. It has to be someone’s fault. So . . . we blame God.   In Pray Them to Heaven, read of a process to pray your loved one to the gate of Glory. Release date – spring 2021. Copyright 2021 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D. Please share with those who need hope during this trying time.


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Pray for Them - Specifically

 I know how you hurt when a loved one dies. I too have lost some I loved. What is even harder, is when we believe they may not have chosen the life of a believer, a follower of Jesus the Christ, and made Him the Savior of their life. Many think, "They are going or even are already gone. There's nothing I can do about it."

I am writing a small book for you, teaching you to pray specifically so that God can answer specifically. It will be available in March 2021. Please watch for it. It'll be available on, Barnes&,, and other online booksellers and public libraries, I will also have a link for you on this blog site, so you can purchase it here as well. You and your loved ones will find comfort in its pages. You will want several copies in your church library and in local funeral homes.

If you are suffering now, perhaps you will want to start a dialogue. May the Lord bless and comfort you.

Blessing and peace to you,


Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.

Copyright 2020/2021 Doris Gaines Rapp

Grieving by Style

Sometimes we wonder why people grieve in the manner they do. One simple way to describe their behavior is through the aggressive/non-aggress...